First Patent Filed with the US Patent Office!

First Patent Filed with the US Patent Office!

January 10th, 2021; New York NY The Club Sports Organization is proud to announce their Provisional Utility Patent filing on their live scoring and statistics capturing capabilities for Lacrosse games. The unique workflow and ability to make it all seamlessly work is...
NCAA D1 Extends Dark Period

NCAA D1 Extends Dark Period

The D1 Council of the NCAA extended the recruiting dead period until January 1st. So that does that mean? Dead periods mean all in-person recruiting. They do not want their coaches to travel to recruit and return with a virus. Full press release can be found here....
Club Lax Mobile App released on the App Store!

Club Lax Mobile App released on the App Store!

For Immediate Release: New York City September 10th, 2019 is thrilled to announce the delivery of their first delivered mobile app. “Club Lax” is available for immediate download. Usage of the app is free. Users can store their statistics,...